Finding Inspiration

This morning, on my regular hike up Maungarei (Mount Wellington) I felt particularly inspired. The 360° view of Auckland under a veil of gentle drizzle, the golden seed heads of fennel everywhere and the young fitness coach encouraging rangatahi to push on to the top – made me feel happy to be alive. I get inspired easily when out walking or tramping in nature so I make it a practice. Wide perspectives, rock formations, the fresh air on my face all, add to my enjoyment. Today I wondered about the experience of being inspired and how important this state actually is for life and work contentment.

Inspiration seems to happen when we are relaxed – not under pressure – when our minds are clear and we are engaged and present to what is around us.  Our minds and hearts are open to the experience; we lose ourselves in the moment. It’s a place that many of you will have experienced during your summer holiday or when travelling.

After a relaxing holiday where inspiration was easy to find, getting back into work for many is a daunting and discouraging thought. When work becomes all-consuming to the point where we are in a constant state of low level anxiety and are not sleeping well we neglect our physical, spiritual and social/emotional needs. This can be a trajectory to burnout or deep dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Creating disciplines and routines that honour that space where inspiration is found in our lives can only be good for us personally and professionally. I’d like to consider it as a career management competency. Finding balance and making time to be inspired needs to become a priority for everyone.


Thinking of taking voluntary redundancy?


Every morning I ask myself ‘How can I help?’