Let’s talk
Head office:
Suite 2F, Canterbury Arcade,
166-174 Queen Street, Auckland Central 1010
+64 21 474765
If there are any questions that we haven’t covered, please contact us so we can help you. Thank you.
You need to make the most of the coaching opportunity; to trust your coach and be willing to take on new perspectives and be open to change. You need to take responsibility for your feelings, behaviours and actions and be open to who you are and who you can be. It requires commitment to the coaching process.
Your coach will give you one on one attention – your sessions are purely for your benefit. A coach listens deeply and will ask powerful, sometimes provocative, learning questions. On going coaching allows you to think broader and more deeply than you might on your own.
Career management coaching is about managing our work and learning and development within the context of life. Success is dependent on holistic personal development, self-awareness, commitment and taking personal responsibility. A Career Coach helps you to stay on track with your personal and career goals and will stretch your horizons and perspective and provide positive and genuine feedback. Check out ‘My Approach to coach-mentoring‘.
Good job alignment is when your role has a good balance of challenge, support and learning. Where your strengths are fully utilised and you are developing skills in the areas of your interests. Also you will feel that your values are aligned with the organisation and the people you work with and for. If you are not aligned with your job you will feel like a square peg in a round hole – awkward, dissatisfied and de-motivated or overly stressed.
When you are in the right career you will be energised by your work and focus will be easy for you. You will also have a sense that you are where you need to be and you will be making a contribution to something other than yourself – something you believe in. Your interest in the career you have chosen will take you into areas of real learning – and you will be excited about that.
Firstly you need to create some space to reflect on what is happening. Get some distance from the situation either by reflecting on things objectively or with someone who can help you get perspective. Then you will need to think about when you were motivated and engaged; what were you doing? What were the ingredients of that experience that made it so successful? What were your achievements? How did you feel? What helped you to feel that way?
The career coaching process depends on your timeframe. Some people like to work through a process quickly, while others want it to fit in around events or situations that matter for them, however remaining focused and maintaining process momentum is important.
Good career coaches can help individuals master a number of skills, including personal and document presentation, negotiation and communication. They can also help professionals leverage their experience and talents to find new ways to apply transferable skills in more satisfying ways. There are no guarantees, they can’t get you a job. You, the client, must do the work.
The Individual Career Coaching process is very individually defined so that although most people will have 3 – 5 sessions to clarify their career direction and set some goals, each person will have different needs and content to get there. This is worked out in the first session and agreed to before their programme proceeds.