Online Career Tools for Career Professionals
CareerEQ is dedicated to providing robust career tools and resources to career practitioners working in every context to support and enhance their great work. Our career assessments are designed to facilitate meaningful and effective career conversations. They are affordable, comprehensive, and grounded in extensive research, ensuring high-quality results.
Each questionnaire is tailored to suit specific cohorts, offering a thorough, self-reflective, and evaluative process that helps individuals pinpoint what truly matters to them—their core motivations, interests, and skills. This approach streamlines the exploration phase, allowing career professionals to focus on helping their clients or students develop actionable career plans.
Upon completion, adult clients or students receive a detailed PDF report outlining their preferences, orientations, and recommended action steps for career development or further study.
Select a Training
for people from 12 to – 24 yrs
CareerPlanet is a career assessment designed to inspire young people to consider how they can make a positive impact in the world by leveraging their skills and passions. It is culturally sensitive, embracing diverse perspectives and ways of thinking. Instead of asking the traditional question, “What do I want to be?”, CareerPlanet encourages users to reflect on what they want to be involved in and how their contributions can benefit the greater good.
for working adults
CareerIntelligence is an assessment designed for working adults and is used by career professionals and employers to provide valuable career data, supporting informed career decisions and development potential.
Prior to career conversations, CareerIntelligence helps practitioners and managers streamline the exploration process, allowing for more meaningful and productive discussions. The self-and-career evaluation identifies the alignment with ‘best fit’ roles, transition criteria, and areas for training and development.
for academic or senior students
CareerSmart is a career inquiry assessment tailored for students from Year 12 through their second year of university. Its aim is to stimulate self-reflection and enhance self-awareness. The questionnaire and inventories provide students with a detailed assessment report, offering valuable insights into how they view themselves, their potential, and their career orientations. Career educators or counsellors can use this report to guide students toward a fulfilling career path.