We are dedicated to developing people and committed to growing a more conscious and compassionate world.

Our Principles

Whaka Whanaungatanga

Developing relationships that are mutually respectful, understanding, and trusting is important to us.


All practitioners who work with CareerEQ are committed to their ongoing learning and professional development.


We care about the people and organisations we work with.


We aim to participate as partners and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Hanga rerekētanga

We aim to make a difference to people and the world we all live in.

Our Team

  • Hilary Tomkins


  • Kirsten Earnshaw

    Professional Member CDANZ

  • Jennifer (Jenny) Bean


  • Miriam O’Connor


  • Lisa Adams-Broyd


  • Nirmala Solanki

    Career coach and registered Psychologist (NZPB)

  • Kaye Avery

    Principal Consultant and CareerEQ Director

  • Jon Avery

    Commercial Manager, Contracts and Partnerships.

Why Us?

  1. Our career specialists are based in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, and Christchurch – and are all passionate about people development and career coaching.

  2. Their experience is extensive, covering coaching, career counselling, personal and professional development, career management coaching, job search support, HR, OD, and organisational change consulting.

  3. They are highly experienced in working with people from all occupations, industries, and levels of seniority and do their best to stay current with the world of work and the job market.

  4. All CareerEQ consultants are licensed in the use of our Career Intelligence and CareerSmart assessments.

  5. Professionalism is key to CareerEQ’s success so all CareerEQ consultants are members of a professional body, ICF, CDANZ, CDAA, NZPB or HRINZ . This ensures we follow clearly defined Codes of Ethics and Professional Standards of Practice.

Our Partners