Career Specialist


Jenny enjoys working with individuals of all ages during transitions and managing complex change scenarios. This includes working with senior leaders to facilitate their development for their next role, navigating through complex team dynamics, and providing support for employability skills and personal branding.

Jenny’s career in the career industry is diverse; working as a Career Consultant for Career Services, The New Zealand Defense Force, NZ Libraries, and in private practice.

Her work has involved career and talent management teaching ‘coach-like’ behaviours in managers, professionalising a career management system, conducting training (training needs analysis through to evaluation), writing policy, developing and embedding competencies into performance agreements, and changing workplace culture — all in a diverse range of organisations.

Jenny Bean

Jenny aims to empower all the people she works with to achieve the best of themselves in their work, life, community, and world.

Qualifications and Certifications:

  • Master of International Security (Distinction), Massey University, Nov 2015

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree, Sociology Major, University of Canterbury.

  • Diploma in Career Guidance, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology

  • Licensed Practitioner of CareerIntelligence, CareerSmart, and CareerPlanet.

  • Hogan’s Suite of Leadership Assessment Tools Accreditation, Winsborough

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Qualified Interpreter – Form M and Form Q

  • Coaching and Supervision Certificate, Unitec

  • Lominger Competency Accreditation

  • Self-Directed Search Certification, New Zealand Council of Educational Research.

  • Registered as a B Psychological Test User, New Zealand Council for Educational Research.