Are you living your best life?

Make change work for you!

Our career specialists will help you to:

  • Identify a good match career where your skills, aspirations and motivation are well aligned

  • Transition into new work with CV support, Interview coaching and negotiating your employment deal.

  • Resolve work issues, get the work-life balance you want and develop strategies for career development and learning

  • Review your career so that you feel you are doing something meaningful – after all the world needs you! Compromising life for work that is not satisfying or making a difference is unsustainable.

With our expert coaching and guidance, you’ll be able to identify your key strengths, development needs, values, and what motivates you. Then you will be able to explore job opportunities that align.

Individual Career Coaching –  Career Development, Planning, Decision-making and Guidance

CareerEQ career coaching programmes offer a range of options to suit your situation and pocket. All our programmes help you to evaluate your employment situation and explore skills, personality traits, aptitudes, values, interests, and aspirations to clarify or confirm your career direction, goals, and objectives. Career Coaching can make a real difference to your work transition and job satisfaction.

Check out our Career Intelligence Coaching Journey

Book your Career Coaching

Book your Career Coaching

Adults Programme One: Career Review Intensive

Take our Career Intelligence assessment and have a 2–hour feedback session that will give you just the insights you need to make a career decision.

2 hours feedback + Assessment
*The price is exclusive of GST

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Book a 10 minute chat to find out more

Adults Programme Two: Career Coaching Standard

Meet with your Career Specialists to discuss the outcomes you need and use the time to review your career or job situation, make a decision or refine your career plan. This could include completing our online career assessment, setting a job search strategy, and having the guidance and coaching you and your specialist agree on.

3.5 hours feedback + Assessment
*The price is exclusive of GST

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Adults Programme Three: Career Coaching and Job search support

This programme will give you a comprehensive process including all of the above to identify the ‘ideal next role’ and help access the job market successfully or establish the career development objectives you have been wanting.

5 hours feedback + Assessment
*The price is exclusive of GST

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Adults - Book your Additional session

Book your one-hour session, have a conversation with one of our coaches and get assessed.

1 hour + Assessment
*The price is exclusive of GST

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