Career coaching is a value-add for HR

When to engage an external and neutral career coach for employees

Retention of good employees is key to business sustainability, but how do we know the true motivations of employees if we don’t have a process that explores this? And how do we keep people engaged and performing when REM is not possible? Role ‘fit’ and values alignment is key.

When employees are at a crossroads in their careers, or the situation around them at work has changed, disengagement can happen. Referring them to us is putting them in good hands as we will support a career exploration to identify development needs and give them the tools and a career or development strategy that will help them to move forward in such a way that it’s a win-win for everyone.

Our Career Coaching programmes work for employees who:

  1. Have the potential and yet are not clear about where their development is.

  2. Are struggling with their current role for reasons such as work overload, isn’t coping to meet the skills required or the role does not fulfil or interest them causing a lack of engagement and a drop in enthusiasm for the work.

  3. Are applying for or have been unsuccessful applying for an internal role or when concluding a particular project and the ‘next role’ or career pathway is unclear.

  4. Are in conversation with HR about their performance and/or their attitudes and behaviours are disruptive to work effectiveness and workplace safety.

  5. Career coaching not only provides employees with neutral and well-informed expertise, but it also supports employees to developing self-awareness and encouraging greater self-efficacy enabling them to have the appropriate career conversations at work.

Employee development coaching offers:

  1. A neutral career coach who will support, validate and affirm

  2. An opportunity for an employee to review career or role alignment in confidence

  3. Access to our online career self-assessment to evaluate current role alignment

  4. Improved connection to what matters to the employee in life and at work

  5. A Career Intelligence report that measures employee job satisfaction

  6. A career development plan with professional development objectives.