Career Specialist


CareerEQ Training Manager, School Liaison and Career Coach

Since 2013 Lisa has supported thousands of Tertiary students to grow self-awareness and make conscious choices about their career pathways. She has also worked with people of all ages and stages of their careers to find meaningful work.

Lisa is a qualified teacher and learning designer and creates transformational in-person and online learning experiences.

Underpinning Lisa’s work is the belief that we can create good in the world through our careers, and this starts with growing our understanding of who we are being in our work and all our interactions. She takes a compassionate approach and creates a friendly and safe space for individuals to explore and discover new aspects of themselves.

Lisa Adams-Broyd

For over a decade, Lisa has also been exploring this question through her career practice: What would be possible if we all made work choices for the greater good and to enhance the lives of current and future generations?

Within CareerEQ Lisa is continuing the exploration of this question and developing new resources for schools, organisations, and private career practitioners. She facilitates the Practitioner Training for the CareerSmart, CareerPlanet and CareerIntelligence Assessments and provides follow-up support. Lisa is also available for Career Coaching.

Lisa started coaching and training people over 25 years ago when she led a team of sales consultants. She has continued to build these skills with roles in private, public and not-for-profit sectors and has developed a deep understanding of how to support people to learn and grow and create tangible changes within themselves and their organisations.


Certified Professional Transformational Coach (Formally assessed and demonstrated the core coaching competencies at the ICF ACC credential level.) – Coach Masters Academy

Postgraduate Certificate in Leading Change for Good – AcademyEx

Graduate Diploma in Career Development – AUT

Graduate Diploma in Teaching – University of Auckland

Counselling Skills course (Distinction) – ACAP

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology & Sociology) – Waikato University