Feedback about the CareerEQ assessments and coach training
From Clients:
“The aspects of the assessment tool that I found the most valuable were looking at values in different contexts, particularly looking how those values are present in my current situation. I also particularly appreciate looking at the breakdown of how much time I would like to be focused on the different functional areas/competencies. The aspect that I found the least valuable was looking across the individual competencies and mapping interest against skill - I have a pretty good read on this for myself so it wasn't particularly insightful - but I imagine it could be really helpful for others who are looking to understand either why they are struggling in a current role, not getting the work they 'want' or looking to make a career move.”
“I found the intelligence report profoundly insightful and revealing of my genuine interests. It was an excellent self-discovery exercise for me. It is a well-planned program designed to allow you to ask questions of yourself that you might otherwise not think about. I highly recommend it to be a great experience when you can give yourself some time to sit quietly and to play around with your values and gain some introspection on where you’re really at work and in life.” -
Coaches feedback
“Overall, my client found ‘it clarified what was in my head’ and has enabled him to come up with some next steps for some professional development as it highlighted gaps in his skill set, in areas he wanted to grow.”
“My client ‘R’ reported liking that the report was structured, had clear definitions ‘like reading a horoscope’ that made understanding easy. She liked the bar graph style and she had an ‘aha’ moment when she saw her motivators. She found it quick and easy to understand, which as her coach was useful, as she sometimes struggles with focus and sustaining interest in a task. She finished it!!! We were able to have some useful discussion around her results. It helped her clarify next steps.” -
Feedback about Licensing Training from Career Coaches and Educators:
“I left the session feeling inspired to a) use the assessment as a starting point for all those multi-layered conversations; b) keep learning, reading, thinking, and, most importantly, applying that knowledge. You managed to design an assessment that incorporates so much research, thinking, and practical wisdom but you also skilfully situated it in a larger context of our client's personal and professional journeys and their readiness for change.” LB ‘
“Thank you, for launching a career assessment tool that is elegant and user-friendly - elegant, because it is comprehensive and straightforward; user-friendly, because it is easy to complete online and yields rich information.” KS
“Thanks for the terrific and interesting course. I found it to be very dynamic and relevant. In addition, as I am particularly interested in upskilling. I was very pleased to be able to put into practice some of my past skills.” Glenda
“I enjoyed participating in the Career Intelligence Assessment journey and training session. I’m looking forward to using and familiarising myself further with the assessment tool. Well done to you on creating this wonderful self-assessment career tool and a fantastic legacy that reflects your total commitment to our sector 😊” “Thanks Kaye – such a great product that I will be definitely using - so thank you for sharing your training.” LW
Feedback about Licensing Training from Career Coaches and Educators:
“I really enjoyed the Career EQ Assessment training. It was an opportunity to connect with fellow coaches, share best practices, refresh learning and dive in to this valuable tool. I know that clients will appreciate the deep dive into values in different areas of their lives. The report is a valuable springboard for career planning discussions.” AG
Thanks for the terrific and interesting course. I found it to be very dynamic and relevant. In addition, as I am particularly interested in upskilling. I was very pleased to be able to put into practice some of my past skills. MH
Thank you, Kaye, for launching a career assessment tool that is elegant and user-friendly - elegant, because it is comprehensive and straightforward; user-friendly, because it is easy to complete online and yields rich information. JB