Riding the wave of redundancy and job search

These are anxious times that are, for some, deeply concerning.  The impacts of Covid-19 have been colossal and we have no idea how the pandemic journey will unfold. If redundancy has impacted you, anxiety and worry are absolutely natural. There is a lot to be concerned about: a global recession, opportunities in your industry sector or occupation potentially diminishing, uncertainty about financial support, and a plethora of other potential issues.

Everyone, at all levels and all sectors, is affected. I hope that knowing you are not alone may be comforting. In the first instance, take time to process what has happened, take care of yourself, and make sure you have some support. Check out this free guide;  Handling redundancy during a downturn

An uncertain future concerns us all, but we are all in this together. Getting through this will require significant composure and care. A successful journey from redundancy into a new job will depend on how well you manage yourself through the process.

Riding the Wave

Regardless of whether your situation is as a result of redundancy or an identified need to change your job, reactive, fear-based actions are counter-productive. Managing job change (even in normal times) needs to be undertaken with as much care as a surfer riding a large wave.

To successfully ride a big wave, the surfer needs good balance and to stay very present to the ride, be aware of the environment and conditions, and the level of skill they need for navigating it. Most of all they need heaps of composure, a good understanding of where the hazards are and some friends around to look out for them if things go awry.

Surfing doesn’t come naturally to most people so good coaching, guidance, and practice are crucial. Similarly, if you haven’t had a lot of experience in managing redundancy or navigating the rough conditions of a changeable and tight job market, get help.

Good redundancy support is available through experienced and well-trained career coaches. The best ones will have had a lot of experience working with people who are going through change at work or whose roles have been disestablished. They will be supportive, understand the complexity of careers, be current with the job market conditions, and know-how to help you prepare for the journey before you take too many risks. Check out CareerEQ  specialists.

A well-navigated ride should mean that you will have fewer bailouts – so take care and prepare!


The bridge to an unknown future


What now? Being open to career uncertainty