Taking time out over summer after the stress experienced recently?

It's been a tough year for many. 

Redundancy has impacted many workers and their families. The emotional toll of this is huge and as we head quickly to Christmas and the summer holidays our team has heard that some people are simply looking to have a break. 

If you are reading this and have completed your recent job, you are likely feeling a mix of relief and some anxiety about the future.  But how wonderful it feels to pause, to recover, to engage in activities you enjoy to spend time with loved ones while you have the time. Helping out is also a very satisfying thing to do when recovering. 

Stress, change, and redundancy, all impact the nervous system and can alter how we perceive ourselves. Many people lose confidence. So it’s a good thing to take a couple of months off now if you can afford it. For some individuals, the motivation to find work quickly is practical, as not everyone has the financial cushion to afford to be without work for too long. If you have lost confidence, get help soon. Career coaching is the perfect support.

If you can, taking time off after redundancy can help you regain a sense of well-being and feel more grounded. It can also give you the time you didn’t have when working to review your career and to reset your goals and objectives. More importantly, it can give you time to get all your ‘ducks’ (CV, LinkedIn profile) in a row. In other words, ‘get sorted. 

If you are a survivor of change – i.e. have not been made redundant; the stress related to the process of restructuring can still carry stress, lack of trust, and guilt and worry about your colleagues who were impacted. Unless you take a break or seek support, you can carry this stress into your summer holiday. Check with your employer if they provide confidential EAP counselling support.

Get started before you go away on holiday, get help to get clear about your ‘ideal next job’, your job search strategy and your CV completed before  Christmas – then you can relax!

Call CareerEQ now on 006421474765
Or email practice.manager@careereq.nz  


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