Workshops for teams and managers

He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
— Maori proverb

When retention is key to business performance, career conversations that result in employees feeling more ‘on track’ in their careers are ‘gold’ for an employer.

CareerEQ has a reputation for being ‘true’ career specialists. We have online resources that support career conversations for organisations and can run assessment delivery and workshops for your business or train your HR people to administer the assessments and train you to have the career conversations as part of the assessment feedback process.

Career Conversations to improve retention and employee development

Quality career conversations can stimulate improved performance,  an increase in self-awareness, and a sense of agency in employees.

  • Improve retention of employees by accessing what motivates them to build job alignment

  • Evaluate career drivers and self-assessed skill development for development and training planning

  • Help employees to connect with what matters to them so that they can feel they are working there “on purpose”

CareerEQ career specialists can work with your people one-on-one or run career workshops – for managers and employees.

We can also train your internal HR talent coaches to have career conversations using our CareerIntelligence process. This is ideal if you wish to:

  • Build internal career conversation capability as part of a culture improvement strategy

  • Understand employee ‘fit’ and job alignment when redeployment is critical

  • Get to know your employees better and understand what makes them ‘tick’.

Our CareerIntelligence online assessment is ideal for internal career conversations and coaching. It is used by HR or coaching professionals because it offers a person-centric, holistic career review process that builds trust and engagement.

Our Assessment licensing training covers the theory and research that sits behind the assessment, guidance on how to use the assessment so that confidentiality is assured for the employee, and goals and objectives are made to ensure outcome clarity.

Career Planning for Teams in Change:

There is no longer a clear game plan for the future of careers. Technology is changing so rapidly that it is difficult for people to navigate an uncertain work landscape. This training offers employees an opportunity to evaluate their careers, identify what motivates them and establish a career development strategy. It also covers developing workplace competencies, career sustainability, and the concept of psychological flexibility.

This training can help teams of employees develop the resilience and career clarity required when organisational change and uncertainty impact. Training emphasises employees taking responsibility for their own career decisions, work engagement, and performance.

There is no longer a clear game plan for the future of careers. Technology is changing so rapidly that it is difficult for people to navigate an uncertain work landscape. This training offers employees an opportunity to evaluate their careers, identify what motivates them and establish a career development strategy. It also covers developing workplace competencies, career sustainability, and the concept of psychological flexibility.

This training can help teams of employees develop the resilience and career clarity required when organisational change and uncertainty impact. Training emphasises employees taking responsibility for their own career decisions, work engagement, and performance.

Career Conversations for Managers:

Career conversations for busy managers are challenging to get right. Using the Career Intelligence model for Career Conversations developed around the CareerEQ Career Intelligence Assessment, managers can bring a holistic approach to their career conversations with employees. This training is a 3-hour activity.