Career Coaching for Individuals

Career Guidance for Students

Working with a qualified career specialist or adviser, will help you make an informed decision about your career and education.

Our career coaches are career experts. They also utilise our online career tools, CareerSmart and CareerPlanet, to provide you with the best possible information and support for making well-informed career decisions.

Career Coaching for Adults

Our Career Coaches will help you to evaluate, re-align, and navigate your work situation to achieve greater levels of congruence and career success. Our coaching programmes are designed to suit your situation and pocket. They will help you to evaluate your employment situation and explore options or confirm your career direction, goals, and objectives. Career Coaching also helps make successful work transitions and grow job satisfaction.

Senior Managers and Leaders

Working with an experienced Career Coach who is qualified in Career Development and experienced working with senior managers will help you to reset your goals and gain the perspective you need to create the change you want. Often the need to do this comes when burnout happens, if you have plateaued, or had internal or interpersonal issues emerge. Coaching helps reconnect you with what matters so that you can be more congruent at work. Sometimes it is just so that you can get clear on the next step.