Career support for your employees

Career Coaching

When employees are at a crossroads in their careers, or the situation around them at work has changed, disengagement can happen. "Referring them to us means they are in good hands, and we will support them through it. We will give your employee the neutral and confidential space to discuss the situation. As part of this, a career exploration to identify development needs maybe necessary. OUr work with your employee will give them the tools and a career or development strategy that will help them move forward - in such a way that it’s a win-win for everyone.

Redundancy Support

Our experience ensures that your employee/s have both the emotional support and technical expertise to empower them to successfully secure a new, ‘best-fit’, job. Individual programmes are flexible to suit the needs of the person or situation. Programmes typically cover psychological impact support, skills and aspirations evaluation to determine direction and ‘best fit’ options; the creation of a competitive job search strategy including developing networking confidence; CV review/writing; interview skills coaching, and job offer/negotiation support.

Career Workshops

We have loads of experience running career - related workshops including “ Career Development”, “Managing Change” and “Creating a winning job search strategy”. We also train HR and Managers to have quality career conversations.

Workshops are cost effective ways to support people through change.