Career Intelligence – online career evaluation

Our online career and professional development assessment is designed to help individuals like you, identify workplace alignment, professional development, and career planning objectives. The assessment gives you and your coach clear data so that together, you can identify how your strengths and interests can be expressed at work. Your coach will work to help you to synthesise the information into meaningful action plans and career development objectives. Including the assessment in your career coaching will help you to create the change you want to support greater career and job satisfaction. Check out some sample reports:

Sample Project Manager

Larry Sample – Apprentice builder

Julie Sample – Web designer

To create real change in your career

If you are seriously looking for help in determining what to do about your particular career situation, we recommend that you invest in structured professional career coaching. The complexity involved in sorting through all the considerations you may have is simplified when you work with a qualified career coach and incorporate the Career Intelligence evaluation into your sessions. This helps to unpack the aspects of your experience in a clear way that clarifies your motivations, values and interests to make decisions easier. The investment will create a positive change in your career. Check out how our we incorporate the assessment in your Career Intelligence Coaching Journey

Free Assessments

You can also access a number of free career tests online. The resource links provided here are solely for your own self-inquiry purposes. Most free assessments will give you a generic result or a partial result and then suggest that you buy the full report. The cost is usually small. Interpretation of your results can be a bit confusing and you should always consider a variety of factors that may affect the career decision you wish to make.

We suggest that you don’t accept the results of online assessments or make life-changing decisions based on them without discussing them with a trained career specialist. It is also important to keep in mind that not all assessments are valid and/or reliable however the ones we have recommended here are well recognised.

Career Interest Inventories:

Career Quest: Career Quest is a free assessment on the CareersNZ website. It takes just 15 minutes to explore job ideas matched to your areas of interest.

Truity Personality Profiler:  Based on the Holland Code (below) and the Big Five system of understanding personality traits, this assessment will show you which careers suit your strengths.

The Holland Code Career Assessment : John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice (RIASEC) maintains that people fit into one of six personality types: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; Social; Enterprising; and Conventional. These six areas of personality indicate an individual’s preference for the kinds of people they wish to work with, the environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and where their attitudes and values can be expressed.

Career Anchors : The concept of the Career Anchors was introduced by Edgar Schein. A Career Anchor is something that develops over time and evolves into a ‘self-concept’ which shapes an individual’s personal identity or self-image and includes talents, skills, and abilities, motives, and needs and our attitudes and values.

Work Values test : In this work values inventory, fourteen career values are identified: Autonomy, Creativity, Variety, Structure, Self-development, Influence, Work-life balance, Financial reward, Security, Prestige, Performance, Working conditions, Work relationships and Altruism. The test will give you a full and detailed report.

Professional Development Assessments:

The Five Factor : The Five Factor model of personality is the most widely accepted personality theory in the scientific community. It helps us to understand why people may react differently, behave differently, and see things differently from others in the same situation. The Big Five model is also sometimes called OCEAN. It proposes that human personality can be measured along five major dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

The Positive Intelligence Assessment : This assessment was developed by Shirzad Chamine who researched and wrote the New York Times bestselling book Positive Intelligence, and Stanford lectures which draw together the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The assessment will help you to identify aspects of personality and beliefs that hold you back from getting ahead and the guidance to use these for your development.


MBTI certified logoThe Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®(MBTI®) instrument is a highly versatile assessment that has helped millions of people around the world gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how they interact with others.

 It is extremely useful as it presents a common language to easily communicate the complexities of an individual`s personality. It offers reliable insights for self – understanding in individuals and in the performance of people and teams in organisations.

MBTI® is a useful tool for:

  • Career exploration
  • Leadership and coaching
  • Team development
  • Communication
  • Career and personal development

CareerEQ offer individualised feedback sessions on the following MBTI® reports:

Career Report; Your personality and career choice

Take the M Form Career Assessment to understand your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type; how your Type affects your career choice and career development. This report also suggests job families and occupations best suited to your Type. A one hour personalised feedback session with a qualified MBTI practitioner is included.

Development Report; An in depth exploration of your personality and its development

Working through your Q Interpretive Report with an accredited MBTI ® Practitioner you will understand more about your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type and how you can apply your results to Communicating, Making Decisions, Managing Change and Managing Conflict. This assessment is excellent for adding a personal development piece to your career exploration.

During the one hour feedback session you will explore how your personality has developed. You will receive an in-depth interpretation, a full 18 page report and some highlighted key development objectives.

At Work Report; Your personality Type within an organisational context

Receiving the one hour feedback on your your Personality Type in Organisations assessment report will give you a snapshot of your working style, how your unique preferences enhance your work, your Communication Style and your Problem-Solving approach. It will help explore next steps on your personality at work journey.