12 08, 2015

What is career management coaching?

By |2018-05-10T14:52:12+12:00August 12th, 2015||0 Comments

Career management coaching is about managing our work and learning and development within the context of life. Success is dependent on holistic personal development, self-awareness, commitment and taking personal responsibility. A Career Coach helps you to stay on track with your personal and career goals and will stretch your horizons and perspective and provide positive [...]

12 08, 2015

What guarantees will I have that career coaching will assure me of getting the job I want?

By |2017-03-27T17:10:09+13:00August 12th, 2015||0 Comments

Good career coaches can help individuals master a number of skills, including personal and document presentation, negotiation and communication. They can also help professionals leverage their experience and talents to find new ways to apply transferable skills in more satisfying ways. There are no guarantees, they can't get you a job. You, the client, must do [...]

12 08, 2015

Can you give an outline of the Individual Career Coaching process?

By |2017-03-27T17:10:09+13:00August 12th, 2015|, |0 Comments

The Individual Career Coaching process is very individually defined so that although most people will have 3 – 5 sessions to clarify their career direction and set some goals, each person will have different needs and content to get there. This is worked out in the first session and agreed to before their programme proceeds.

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