Finding work is a process that takes time and preparation.

25 02, 2020

Never assume an internal interview will go your way

By |2020-02-27T17:22:20+13:00February 25th, 2020|Finding Work|1 Comment

Assuming that you will be successful in an internal interview when you know the people interviewing you can be a real mistake. You think they know that you understand the organisation and you have a record of delivering good performance - but this assumption is a real mistake. Treat every interview regardless of whether an internal or an external one with the respect deserving of thorough preparation.

27 03, 2019

Thinking of taking voluntary redundancy?

By |2019-04-01T08:48:14+13:00March 27th, 2019|Finding Work|0 Comments

Recently we heard that Vodafone is offering staff voluntary redundancy. Most people who take voluntary redundancy have already decided that they are “ready for a move”. There are as many reasons as there are individuals presented with the opportunity for this thinking. My question always is, have they done sufficient self-evaluation and job market analysis? [...]

6 07, 2017

Every morning I ask myself ‘How can I help?’

By |2018-11-20T20:33:46+13:00July 6th, 2017|Career management, Finding Work, Personal - career development|0 Comments

So said Katy Perry when she was interviewed by Toni Street on Seven Sharp earlier this week. Not being a fan, I didn’t understand or know about Perry’s philanthropic and altruistic leanings. It’s interesting because I’m noticing an incoming king tide of young people like her with similar aspirations. If you haven’t already noticed, there is [...]

25 10, 2016

Entrepreneurship – an essential career management skill

By |2018-05-09T17:57:55+12:00October 25th, 2016|Career management, Finding Work, Personal - career development, Transition/outplacement|0 Comments

Today’s work environment requires a degree of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship has a wide-ranging definition and application. It is very closely aligned to the word “protean” which comes from the Mythical Greek Sea God “Proteus,” who was known for predicting and foretelling the future and his versatility and adaptability to acclimatise himself to successfully meet and thrive in the future he envisioned.

13 08, 2016

Why meaningful work matters

By |2020-10-30T14:28:02+13:00August 13th, 2016|Career management, Finding Work, Personal - career development|0 Comments

It sounds idealistic to be talking about meaningful work. After all, isn’t that the privilege of very few people? These days it seems so. Yet meaningful work is work that we are intrinsically attracted to and committing to that direction could ultimately lead to deeply satisfying work. So why would we not follow what interests [...]

14 06, 2016

A career decision? Look for congruence

By |2018-11-20T20:22:52+13:00June 14th, 2016|Career management, Finding Work, Transition/outplacement|0 Comments

Congruence (symbol: ≅) is the state achieved by coming together, the state of agreement. (Wikipedia). Career decisions are more likely to lead to success when they are congruent with who we are and the context of our lives. That is, aligned, or in agreement with the aspects that make us unique; our personal circumstances, individual [...]

6 06, 2016

Know your value and future proof your career

By |2018-11-20T20:29:01+13:00June 6th, 2016|Finding Work|0 Comments

Predictions abound that technology is taking over the ‘human’ in ‘human resourcing’.  Futurists are predicting a future that is very different to what we have now.  Some say that we will have more lifestyle choice and that productive lives will be more about contributing to the well-being of others and the eco-system than working hard [...]

5 05, 2016

New job?  Know what you are getting into. 

By |2017-10-05T14:47:45+13:00May 5th, 2016|Finding Work, Transition/outplacement|0 Comments

Recently several people have told the story of moving into a new and ‘exciting’ job, only to soon find themselves feeling overwhelmed and disappointed. They found themselves swamped in a role for which they were ill- prepared and had no support. In each case the context was a workplace in a state of flux, restructuring and with [...]

6 08, 2015

Competencies for a New World

By |2017-03-27T17:10:09+13:00August 6th, 2015|Finding Work|1 Comment

NZ Herald – Jan 2012 The nature of work will have changed forever within the next 10 years according to many researchers and commentators. Our world is changing dramatically as aging and expanding (and contracting) populations and consumerism put major stresses on our ecosystems. The current system of economics with growth as its aim is at [...]

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